The Difference Between Cracked Glass & Broken LCD Screens

No one wants their phone screen to crack or shatter. Although phone screens are designed to withstand damage, there are times when a fall can result in a cracked glass or broken LCD screen. In addition, phone screens are expensive to replace, depending on the brand and screen type.

Smartphones have a glass screen that protects the LCD screen beneath. People usually confuse the two to mean the same, but they are not, and the LCD is the most important and expensive. This article covers the difference between a cracked glass and a broken LCD screen.

The Different Layers of a Phone Display

Most of the repairs on a smartphone are connected with cracked glass and broken LCD screens. However, there are different layers to a phone display, and below is a breakdown of the main layers that make up a phone screen.

  • Glass: This is the outmost layer of the display and is usually less than one millimeter thick. This outer glass gets cracked when you drop your smartphone and resembles a spiderweb.
  • Digitizer: This is the next layer beneath the glass screen. It is an electrical force that responds to touch and senses. When you swipe your finger across the screen, the digitizer recognizes data input and directs it to the device center. The digitizer is also called the touch screen.
  • LCD Screen: LCD is an acronym for Liquid Crystal Display. The visual component beneath the glass screen displays the images on your screen.

3 Layers of a phone screen: Glass, digitizer & LCD Screen

What Is a Broken Glass Repair?

The glass screen is the top part of your smartphone display. Although it is designed to protect your device screen, it’s only glass. Therefore, it is quite susceptible to cracking and scratches. 

It’s common to have a broken glass screen while your LCD screen is fully functional. Glass screens are less expensive to replace because of how easy it is to find. 

It’s easy to identify when your glass screen is cracked. Telltale signs are detached fragments and spiderweb cracks, making it difficult to utilize your smartphone.

What Is an LCD Screen Repair?

LCD screens are responsible for your device’s touch response function and display. As mentioned, a broken LCD screen repair is quite expensive. Some signs of a broken LCD screen are:

  • Lack of touch sensitivity
  • Black screen, and 
  • Black spots. 

Therefore, it is crucial to replace your broken LCD screen quickly to avoid the damage from spreading. Also, ensure you get high-quality LCD screens, like the ones we use at CaseMogul, instead of the low-quality cheap ones. 

How To Avoid a Cracked or Broken Screen

Although it’s easy for phone screens to crack, taking the necessary steps can help you escape such problems. The ideal way to avoid this issue is to install a tempered glass screen protector on your device to make it even more resistant to cracking or shattering.

There are cases where a screen protector is pointless, like when the glass screen is already cracked. It makes it hard for the screen protector to stick because the glass is in motion.  

What to Do if You Need a Repair

Cracked glass or a broken LCD screen would cause your smartphone to malfunction. If you have any of these issues, the best step is to visit a reputable repair shop. At CaseMogul, we offer a quick turnaround for repair and replacements of phone screens. You’ll have your device fully repaired and functional for use again.

When you bring your device in, our expert technicians will run a diagnostic to discover the problem before offering a solution. If we determine that your phone has more problems than a cracked screen, like a motherboard issue, we can correct it as well. Contact us today or visit any one of our twelve locations across Alberta & British Columbia. If you aren't close to any of our locations, we offer a mail-in repair service as well!

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