Problems With Using Bad or Damaged Phone Chargers

There are several things that help us enjoy our devices optimally; a charger is one of them. This is why it is always a struggle when phone chargers go bad.

Bad chargers aren't good for our devices, especially iPhones. So while using bad or damaged phone chargers seems like the cheaper way to go, they could cause serious damage to your device.

If your iPhone 11 and 12 chargers are bad or damaged, the effects on the phone will take a while before becoming apparent. This is because iPhone 11 and 12 do not immediately show the harm caused by faulty chargers as the damage is gradual. So despite the elite power management investments these two iPhone versions enjoy, they must be protected from faulty chargers.

How Do Faulty Chargers Damage Your Phone?

Faulty chargers damage our phones by harming the Integrated Circuits (ICs), a prominent and crucial internal component of iPhones. One of the functions of ICs is battery charging management. The type of IC that handles this function is the PMIC.

Specifically, power management integrated circuits (PMICs) regulate the flow of electric power in a mobile phone during charging. The PMIC directs power to the battery and controls some of the USB and sleep/wake functions. When a device runs on multiple voltage requirements, PMICs perform voltage conversions. PMICs also reduce the aging effects of your phone’s battery.

PMICs and Battery Aging

Phones share a few similarities with the human body. However, the age of mobile phone batteries tells on their performance. This means that mobile phones tend to perform less as they age. 

Some effects of aging batteries include dimming backlights, lower speaker volumes, and lower frame rates. iPhones with older batteries also take more time to launch. 

With an advanced PMIC, iPhones 11 and 12 have been fortified against these battery aging effects. PMICs preserve the performance of your iPhone and help maintain the battery capacity. However, the use of faulty chargers can undo all the good work. 

When PMICs suffer damage, the usual remedy is to have them replaced. But using the right charging accessories and observing battery safety precautions is cheaper.

How to Preserve the Health of Your Phone’s Power Management Integrated Circuits

The best way to preserve the health of your phone’s PMIC is to stick to its official accessories. For your iPhone 11 or 12 PMIC to perform optimally, it requires the cooperation of the charging accessories. The absence of this cooperation results in various forms of charging anomalies. 

For example, iPhone 11 and 12 users experience sudden shutdowns of their devices or stagnant battery levels while charging. Also, PMICs get damaged due to overheating. To avoid PMIC damage, here are some important precautions to take:

  • Use only the official iPhone charging accessories such as USB cables and adapters. 
  • Only patronize certified iPhone dealers when buying accessories. 
  • Turn off your iPhone and stop charging when it is hot.
  • Shield your iPhone from direct sun rays. 

Final Thoughts

If you have noticed any oddities in your iPhone 11 or 12, your PMIC may have suffered damage. Unfortunately, if this is the case, you must replace the PMIC. 

At CaseMogul, we replace damaged PMICs with new ones. So get in touch with us to enjoy our professional phone repair services. 

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